USS Glacier AGB-4 Association Enlistment Form

Instructions: Print out (File - Print), fill in the blanks and mail to the address below.
Date: ___________________________________ New _____ Renewal _____

Name: __________________________________  Rank/Rate _____________

Address: _______________________________________ Dob ____________

City: _____________________________ State: ____ Zip+4 _______________

Spouse: _________________________ Phone No.: ( ___ )________________

Dept/Div.: _________________ Date Aboard: ___________ To ____________

Email Address: ________________________

Membership dues for one year (July 1 - June 30) $25.00  _________
Membership dues for three years $70.00  _________
USS Glacier Baseball Cap: (includes postage) each $15.00  _________
USS Glacier Deepfreeze Patch each $6.00  _________
USS Glacier Operation Deepfreeze (1") Pin each $5.00  _________
USS Glacier Association Window Decals (inside) each $3.00  _________
USS Glacier Jacket each $115.00 _________
USS Glacier Painting each $55.00 _________
Donations - Optional - (Postage, Supplies Etc.)



Total Amount Enclosed




Make checks payable to USS Glacier Assn/Gordon Wagoner and mail with this application to:
Mr. Gordon Wagoner
Association Treasurer
4120 Pepperwood Trail
Minnetonka, MN 55305